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GIARDIA LAMBLIA TEST - detection from stool

Giardia Lamblia Antigen

Parasitosis is still a serious global health problem nowadays. 

Giardia Lamblia is the most common protozoan responsible for a wide range of conditions, ranging from severe diarrhea, especially in immunocompromised patients. 

Attachment of the parasite to the duodenal mucosa leads to malabsorption. Intestinal villi atrophy and disappear, leading to significant changes in digestive function, with weight loss and dehydration. In most cases the infection is asymptomatic. 

The Giardia Lamblia quick test on the cassette is a rapid test for immunochromatographic identification and qualitative detection of Giardia Lamblia antigens - 65 kDa coproantigen - a glycoprotein present in Giardia Lamblia cysts and trophozoites. 

Below is presented the work procedure available for most of the quick tests using the immunochromatographic qualitative method of detection.  

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